Why Mawarid Electronics Limited?

It all about Customer satisfaction. MEL staff exerts all available efforts to achieve customer satisfaction and provide them with best quality services.

Quality Policy

Supply products and services of high quality and reliability to all of our customers and to provide total customer satisfaction through continuous quality improvement we stand behind our services with pride and confidence that we consistently perform beyond the expectations of our customers.

Quality Objectives

  • Provide quality products and services that exceed the needs and expectations of our customers
  • Communicate our mission, objectives and quality policy to all employees and customers
  • Develop our relationships with our customers based on a system of continuous feedback and evaluation of our performance
  • Use appropriate tracking methods to identify, isolate, and correct areas of nonconformance
  • Provide an atmosphere that encourages all employees to achieve their full potential and pride in workmanship
  • Provide training solutions that will develop our existing workforce, and will attract new employees to our company